
Crown Point, IN

February 20, 2025

Simplifying Dinner with HelloFresh

I recently stayed with a friend and when I offered to cook dinner, she presented me with a brown paper bag that said “HelloFresh” on the outside.

February 13, 2025

Celebrating the Birth Month

Yes, it is that time again when I capitalize on the celebration of the birth month. After all, why should all the excitement of a birthday be packed i

February 5, 2025

Power Up with Protein

Many people aren’t getting enough protein—especially as they age. While it’s often associated with bodybuilders and gym fanatics, protein is ess

January 29, 2025

Continuing Your Winter Hydration Journey

Last week, I shared five essential tips to help you stay hydrated during the colder months. This week, we’re diving into five more practical ways to

January 21, 2025

Tips for Maintaining Hydration in Winter

When temperatures drop, staying hydrated often falls low on our list of priorities. We naturally drink less water because we don’t feel as thirsty i

January 16, 2025

The Banning of Red No. 3

It’s about time. Red No. 3, also known as erythrosine, is a synthetic dye used in food and medications to give a bright red or pink color. It is mad

January 15, 2025

Basic Electrolyte Drink

Here is a basic electrolyte drink recipe that you can vary to please your taste buds. No chemicals and no artificial colors. Ingredients: • 2 cups u

January 9, 2025

Scroll Less, Savor More

In a world where screens are ever-present—from phones to tablets to televisions—it’s no surprise that they have become regular companions at mea

January 2, 2025

Start Fresh with Clarity

Welcome 2025—a fresh calendar, a clean slate, and endless possibilities. It’s a time to dream, plan, and set your sights on something that truly m

December 26, 2024

The Power of Citrus

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah! I wish you continued celebrations with your family and friends during this special season. As we enjoy the rich in

What Are You Committed To?

Commitment: the trait of sincere and steadfast fixity of purpose.

Today, I’d like you to consider what you are committed to that is all about you. Yes, that’s right. It is YOUR time to focus on YOU.

No, this is not about being selfish or self-centered. This is about your commitment to being your best.

We do well when it comes to being present for our families, work, and service  organizations. What about your commitment to you?  

Have you honored your recent appointment with the gym? Are you getting your required amount of sleep? How many vegetables are you eating during a week?

Most of us KNOW what to do. We get busy, pre-occupied, stressed, and we fall into our customary and most comfortable habit—whatever that may be. It’s rarely the option for our highest good.

When we aren’t paying attention, we grab the chips, drink coffee all morning (or all day), munch on the M&M’s, and forget about eating anything green (except the green M&M’s).

When life gets challenging, we often fall into default mode. When our habits are not the best, neither are we.

My challenge to you this week: Decide what you are committed to and make it non-negotiable. You will do whatever it is NO MATTER WHAT.

Some ideas (this does not need to be crazy over-the-top huge):

*Schedule 2 workouts of your choice and make them happen

*Eat an extra serving of vegetables each day

*Go to bed 10-15 minutes earlier than you usually do every night

*Get a massage, do a deprivation float, or enjoy some other spa treatment

*Read a thought-provoking book 15 minutes a day    

Choose one thing. Commit to change and make it happen. You are strong. You are courageous. You are worth it.

Powerfully yours,

“The real value of setting goals is not the recognition or reward, it’s the person we become by finding the discipline, courage, and commitment to achieve them.” —Anonymous

Love, Snacks, and a Recipe for You

Last Sunday, Float Sixty Northwest Indiana held a “Fit February Love Yourself Wellness Event.” In attendance were a variety of local businesses all geared toward—you guessed it—wellness.

Let’s face it; there are numerous steps we can take to improve our health. How to begin?  

It’s in the title of the event: love yourself.

Whether you are dialed in to increasing exercise, feeling calmer, learning to cook, or drinking more water, it begins with caring for YOU.

On this Valentine’s Day, consider not only how you will show love and gratitude to the people in your life, consider how you will do the same for you.

One way is to eat snacks that taste good and enhance wellness. Snacking throughout the day can help sustain energy and even help you lose weight!

Snack suggestions:

*Hummus with raw vegetables

*Leftovers from dinner

*Hard boiled eggs

*Apple or pear with nut butter

*Mixed raw nuts with dried fruit and cacao (or cocoa) nibs    

I often make protein bars to keep on hand. These were a big hit at the wellness event! Even though they contain honey, the protein and nut butter help slow the rate at which sugar is absorbed by the body. I also cut them into small pieces, so that a couple of them do the trick when it’s snack time.

Chocolate Protein Bars

  • 2 Cups (or 16oz. jar) Natural Peanut Butter
  • 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 Cups Organic Honey
  • 2 Cups Chocolate Vegan Protein Powder
  • 3 Cups Rice Krispies

In a microwave-safe bowl, combine peanut butter and honey. Heat for about 90 seconds until it stirs easily. Add protein powder and Rice Krispies and mix thoroughly (The mixture will be thick). Press into a 9 x 13 inch pan. Refrigerate for about 1 hour, or until solid enough to cut into bars. Store in refrigerator or freezer. These keep well for weeks in the freezer.

For variations on this recipe and more, check out: https://inkwellcoaching.com/recipes/?treats

To celebrate Valentine’s Day, I’m offering complimentary coaching sessions! Send me an email and we’ll set aside a time for YOU!

Much love,

“All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.”—Charles M. Schulz

Birthday, Birth Month, Birth Year

Yes, friends, it is that time again. Another birthday is heading straight my way, and it’s a pretty big one. The BIG SIX-O.

It is my official duty to announce that I am now in full swing celebration of the BIRTH YEAR. For those of you who are new blog followers, a quick bit of history to get you up to speed.

For over a decade, it has been customary for me to celebrate the BIRTH MONTH. It has worked really well for me, except that February is always the shortest month. Even on a leap year.

In order to compensate, I have been celebrating 30 days before AND after my actual birth date, so as not to miss out on any fun—lunches with friends, presents, cake (gluten free) and ice cream, surprises, etc.     

I have decided that since I am blessed enough to still be here on this great planet earth, I’m going for the yearlong party.

I encourage you to join me, no matter where you are in the birthday cycle. Begin celebrating with me TODAY!

Are you living the life you daydream of? Do you have some awesome friends, family members, or a dog, that you enjoy time with on a regular basis?

Or are you living a life of “shoulds” and “somedays?”

My husband (Mr. Non-Compliant) and I are consciously choosing to do those activities we truly enjoy. And no, we are not retiring, at least not today.

He goes to his office and takes the dog. Some days the dog gets to stay with me. I roast far too many green beans for dinner, and he sneaks a HUGE bag of M&M’s home from the hardware store.

He likes chocolate syrup on his ice cream and I like mine plain. Some evenings we work late in our separate home offices and send each other emails. He’s taking a business class and I’m taking a few cooking classes.  

And sometimes we leave town on holiday.

The point is that everyday is an amazing gift. If you’re not playing the life game full out, it’s not too late to start.

SO, what will you do today to celebrate YOU?

Some ideas, if you need help:

*Get quiet and be still for 5 minutes (also known as meditating)

*Sing as loud as you can in the car and maybe roll down your window

*Make a lunch date with someone you’ve been meaning to and haven’t

*Sign up for a class or workshop that makes you happy

*Plan your next day off and do something that feels adventurous

If we don’t consciously live our lives, someone else will gladly do it for us.

Thanks for reading and allowing me to be part of your day.

Cheers to you,

“God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well.”–Voltaire

High Fructose Corn Syrup

The other day I was searching for ketchup without high fructose corn syrup, also known as HFCS. I bet I spent at least 10 minutes reading labels until I found one that was acceptable.

Why is this a big deal? Is HFCS any worse than cane sugar? Short answer: YES. It is sweeter and cheaper than regular sugar and is in every processed food and sugar-sweetened drink.

While all added sugar is a negative when it comes to health, HFCS promotes more adverse health conditions than regular sugar. The main reason: it is “hiding” in so many foods that it sneaks up on us.

In recent history, we’ve gone from 20 teaspoons of sugar per person per year to about 150 pounds of sugar per person per year.  That’s a half pound a day for every man, woman, and child in America.  

When you eat sugar in those doses, it becomes a toxin.

High fructose corn syrup contributes to: weight gain, cancer, fatty liver and liver stress, increased cholesterol levels, diabetes, high blood pressure, leaky gut, heart disease, and increased mercury intake.

HFCS is in a long list of food items. In fact, take a look at what’s in your kitchen. Go on, I’ll wait. Read a few labels. Check your ketchup, cereal, soda, bread, crackers, candy, juices, sweetened yogurt, frozen junk food, other condiments, granola bars, jams and jellies, powdered creamers, and salad dressings.

GASP! I know; shocking, isn’t it?

Items that you may believe to be healthy are loaded with sugar in the form of HFCS. Sneaky.

Foods containing HFCS are of poor quality and are highly processed—not REAL food.

Sugar is not healthy either, however we tend to be more aware that we are eating it. When I bake Mr. Non-Compliant his favorite cookies, I know exactly how much of everything is in them—including the sugar.

High quality homemade cookies that taste amazing sure beat a “healthy” (NOT) granola bar with HFCS.

Kicking HFCS (and artificial sweeteners) out of your life is a huge step on the road to improving every aspect of your health. It’s also the toughest, since sugar is as addictive as cocaine.

Today, take note of how many foods you eat that contain HFCS. Practice cutting back and eventually  eliminating those foods.

When you stop consuming high fructose corn syrup, you also eliminate many chemicals that have no business being part of your diet. Your body will thank you in surprising ways.

Need help getting your body back on the health track? If beginning this process is stressing you out, and you are sick and tired of being stuck, I’m here to help you move in the right direction. Let me know and we’ll create a plan for your most awesome life.

To your health,

“Take care of yourself as if you’re the most awesome person you’ve ever met.”
 Jen Sincero, “You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life”