Cauliflower. You know it as my least favorite vegetable.
I realized something was up when I came to breakfast one recent morning and there was a cauliflower article awaiting me. Thank you, Mr. Non-Compliant, who is never one to agitate. I jest.
“Is this cauliflower article here for me?” I innocently asked. “Why, yes, it is,” he replied. Of course it was.
Turns out cauliflower is the new darling of vegetables, and farmers have expanded the acreage they use to grow it. Since it grows in 30 days, your odds of finding it are a great deal higher than finding a package of toilet paper these days. (Can I pleeeeeease trade you a head of cauliflower for 2 rolls of TP?) 
This vegetable is very versatile, and healthy. Cauliflower has made its way as a substitute for starch and dairy in pizza crust, “rice,” gnocchi, hummus, and vegan Gruyère cheese.
Cauliflower can also be found in tortilla chips, at salad bars, mashed to replace mashed potatoes, and deep-fried at hot food bars. Health Coach Carol obviously does NOT recommend that last one.
You can also roast it, sauté it, dip it, toss it into casseroles, and add it to soups and salads. Some even make cauliflower mac and cheese. That seems rather…wrong. Guess I need to give it a whirl.
Due to its popularity, cauliflower now outsells kale, cabbage, and garlic. It still lags behind onions and lettuce–probably because I buy lots of onions and lettuce.
It is rich in fiber and nutrients, contains some protein, and is low in carbohydrates, making it the perfect choice for those who follow paleo and keto ways of eating.
I do enjoy cauliflower crust pizza, and can’t tell it’s cauliflower. I can even fool Mr. Non-Compliant. Other than that, well, I’m still not a big fan. I keep trying.
On a happier note…
Mark your calendars now for a FREE GROUP COACHING SESSION ON ZOOM, this Saturday at 11:00 AM central. It will last approximately 45 minutes.
The topic will be: “Confronting Challenges in Creating the New Normal”
We’ll be discussing the results from my Challenge, “Do the next right thing” and what people came up with that was right for them. Also: What has this past week been like for everyone emotionally? How do we continue to move forward when everything keeps disappearing from the calendar? 
Zoom is a video-conferencing platform where we are together virtually. On your computer, click on the Join Zoom Meeting link Saturday at 11:00 AM, and we’ll hang out with a bunch of our friends.
Here’s the invitation:
Topic: Carol’s Group Coaching
Time: March 28, 2020 at 11:00 AM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 688 492 449
Password: 044748
I hope you can join me for this FREE online event. Let me know what you’re struggling with prior to our session, and I’ll address it on Saturday. Be sure to put it in your calendar so you don’t miss it. See you then!
Much love,
“Few things bring us happiness like deeply rooted daily routines. There is something about healthy routines and rituals that leads the human person to flourish.”—Matthew Kelly, “Rediscover the Saints”