

Crown Point, IN



Got Joy? Share Joy

Are you feeling joyful today? If you are, why? Is there a way you can share it? These are loaded questions, so let’s explore some thoughts on the topic. I know people who are grandparents. When I ask them anything about their grandchildren, their faces light up...

Ever Dream of Being a Superhero?

I did something out of the ordinary this week. I went to see a movie with my girlfriends. We all needed a break from real life to relax and have fun. The "scenes" before the featured film showed regular, everyday people becoming Superheroes, seemingly overnight....

Celebrating the Birth Month

I love birthdays! It matters not which one I happen to be celebrating, as they are all a gift.  As each year passes, I find that I treasure each one more than the last, hence my “birth month” celebrations. That and the fact that many...