

Crown Point, IN

July 24, 2024

Why Animal Protein Keeps You Fuller Longer

I was recently presented with this very good question from one of my readers: “Do different types of protein have more oomph? I noticed that when I

July 18, 2024

The Scoop on Tuna and a Light Recipe

Tuna salad makes a light yet satisfying lunch—if you like tuna. I do. It also offers several health benefits: High in protein Rich in omega-3 fatty

July 11, 2024

Celebrate Sweetness: Happy Rainier Cherry Day!

Today, July 11, is National Rainier Cherry Day. The theme for this year’s celebration is “Cherish the Cherry Bliss.” This delightful celebration

June 27, 2024

Time to Get Grounded

There are times when these lazy days of summer are anything but. I’m hearing how busy many of you are, how quickly time seems to pass, and oh my goo

June 20, 2024

Embrace the Splendor of Summer Solstice

Happy Summer Solstice! Today, June 20th at 3:50 pm CDT, we welcome the Summer Solstice. It is the official beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisph

June 13, 2024

Refreshing Drink Recipes to Beat the Heat

As the summer sun reaches its peak, staying hydrated is more important than ever. But who says hydration has to be boring? Here are some simple recipe

June 6, 2024

Fun and Healthy Summer Snacks

Summer is the perfect time to enjoy fresh, light, and delicious snacks that not only keep you cool but also pack a nutritional punch. Here are some fu

May 30, 2024

The Surprising Link Between Texting and Better Eating

Ever notice how you just feel a little lighter after a laugh with friends, or a heartfelt conversation with a loved one? These kinds of positive socia

May 22, 2024

Uncovering the Hidden Sweetness in Everyday Foods

(The following article was written for the December 2020 issue of Get Healthy magazine, a publication of The Northwest Indiana Times. I’m sharin

Tips to Get Past the Springtime Slump

Lately, I have this great desire to take a nap every afternoon around…well, anytime between 2 and 5.

What is the deal with THAT?

Can you relate?

One day I did my best to overcome my sleepiness by taking a walk, in between torrential cloud bursts.

Today’s choice is a couple squares of 85% dark chocolate and a cup of green tea with a splash of honey.

Could the fact that I haven’t seen much sun have something to do with it? 

Oh, and there’s the recent time change that always messes with our circadian rhythm.

Some of you may be experiencing seasonal allergy symptoms with itchy eyes, runny nose, headaches and just feeling lousy.

A couple days ago the temps were in the high 50’s and today it’s snowing/raining/slushing from the sky and I need my heavy winter coat.

My guess is that my sleepy state is a result of many recent shifts in Nature, with more to come in the days ahead. Since what we resist persists, it’s best to welcome spring appropriately and conform with a few dietary and lifestyle changes.

Try whatever resonates with you and see what happens. I’ll be trying these too.

Tips to Help You Feel Energized

Lighten Up: Winter diets are often heavy and rich to counteract the cold. As spring arrives, it’s time to switch to lighter foods. Incorporate more fresh vegetables (like asparagus, carrots, beets, kale, green salads) and legumes into your meals. Enjoy rice bowls and broth-based soups. Opt for light and astringent fruits like apples, pears, kiwis, cherries and berries. Incorporate warming spices like ginger, turmeric, cumin and black pepper to stimulate digestion.

Limit Caffeine and Sugar: While it might be tempting to reach for a cup of coffee or a sugary snack for a quick energy boost, try to limit your intake as they can lead to energy crashes later on.

Wake Up with the Sun and Get Outside: Sunlight can help boost your mood and energy levels, that is, if it isn’t covered by clouds for days and days. Whenever possible, enjoy some sunlight—ideally outdoors–for about 10 minutes during the first 30 minutes that you’re awake.

Shorten Your Feeding Window: Most people consume food from the time they wake up until just before going to bed, giving them a daily feeding window of about 15 hours. As long as you don’t have a health condition that would be aggravated by making a shift, try shortening your feeding window. For example, try eating during a 10–11-hour window of time, say from 8 or 9am until 7pm. If this feels too difficult, shorten your feeding window slowly to determine what works best for you.

Hydrate: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and support your body’s natural detoxification processes which are heightened in the spring.

Honey: Use raw honey as a sweetener (in moderation) as it has warming properties and helps to balance the body.

Stay Active: Find a physical activity that you enjoy, whether it’s walking, cycling, yoga, or gardening, to keep your body moving and reduce feelings of lethargy.

Hopefully these tips will help us better navigate the days ahead with increased energy, mental clarity and calm.

If all else fails, take a 20-minute nap.

Much love,
Health Coach Carol

I hope this spring brings you
Colors that touch your heart
Creative ideas that surprise yourself
Clarity to quit what’s not working
Courage to move on from the past
Confidence to go with your gutAuthor unknown

The Miracle of Breath and Easter

Today while I was busy breathing, doing my best to focus on my breath and not what I would blog about this week, I was flooded with a thought that shows up each time I practice.

While I have some level of control over my breath, I know that I am not really in charge. Were it not for the Divine, Creator, God, Spirit, Supreme Being, breathing me, I would cease to exist. 

Not that this hasn’t struck me before.

Perhaps the older I get, the deeper the strike.

When I think about all that we put our bodies through daily, year after year, I am amazed at how much they can take and still keep going. Still breathing.

We are miracles.

Albeit miracles with a few aches and pains, depending on the day.

Today, in the busyness of your life, make time to sit quietly and focus on your breath. Feel deep gratitude for your body—and the Divine–for keeping everything together so that you exist.

Easter Blessings

For Christians, Holy Thursday through Easter (or Pascha or Resurrection Sunday), is the most holy time of year.

When I was a little girl, my mother and grandma would gather the specially prepared Easter foods in our baskets. We would then go to church on Holy Saturday morning to have the foods blessed.

Beautifully decorated eggs, pascha bread (a sweet, egg-rich round bread made especially for Easter), Polish sausage, nutroll, chocolate bunnies, lamb-shaped butter, beet horseradish, ham, all blessed with holy water, prayers and lots of incense.

It felt a bit like penance because lots of other grandmas had their baskets filled with delicious (smelling) foods and we couldn’t eat any of it until after Mass on Easter morning.

Although the contents of my basket are a bit different, I still carry on this tradition today. 

Food connects us, invokes memories, comforts during tough times, helps us celebrate everything.

If you celebrate Easter, and even if you don’t, I hope your Pascha Sunday is filled with your favorite people and foods.

May you enjoy the blessings of spring and new life.

Much love,
Health Coach Carol

“You are here. You are loved. God is good. And that’s enough.”—Brandon Heath, from his song That’s Enough

Celebrating the Spring Equinox

This year the spring equinox occurred on March 19 at 11:06 P.M. EDT. That was the astronomical beginning of the spring season in the Northern Hemisphere and the autumn season in the Southern Hemisphere.

The word equinox comes from the Latin words for “equal night”—aequus (equal) and nox (night). On the equinox, the length of day and night is nearly equal in all parts of the world.

Although the temperatures may not yet feel spring-like, we have survived another dark and dreary winter. 

The spring equinox marks a pivotal point in the year’s cycle, symbolizing balance, rebirth and new beginnings.

Some ways to celebrate

Embrace Balance in Your Life. Now is a good time to reflect on the equilibrium between work and play, activity and rest, giving and receiving. Do any adjustments need to be made?

Rebirth and Renewal. Spring is synonymous with rebirth and renewal. Use this time to declutter your space and mind, letting go of anything that no longer serves you.

Celebrate Growth and New Beginnings. The sprouting of new life in nature is a powerful reminder of our own capacity for growth and transformation. Set new goals or start a new project that aligns with your aspirations for the coming months. Think of it as another opportunity to wipe the slate clean, like the New Year. Embrace the energy of new beginnings and the potential for personal transformation.

Connect with Nature. Yesterday I took part in a walking meditation with a small group. We wandered through the woods and mud, listening, seeing, smelling, grounding and connecting with Nature. It was a magical way to celebrate the arrival (finally!) of spring. I highly recommend that you spend some time outdoors in the next several days doing whatever it is that brings you peace. 

Celebrate with Seasonal Foods. After my walk, I celebrated by braising leeks, topping them with goat cheese. That is NOT Mr. Non-Compliant’s way of celebrating at all, but since he wasn’t around, I didn’t have to hear him gag at the sight of my spring leeks. Prepare a dish that you enjoy and have been missing all winter. If your Mr. or Mrs. Non-Compliant complains, eat it anyway. In an upcoming blog post I’ll share some Ayurvedic foods and tips that complement warmer weather and help you feel lighter.

Reflect and Recharge. Use this time of transition to reflect on the past months and recharge your batteries. Is there something that you had planned to do during the winter months that didn’t quite happen? Perhaps you can recommit to that project now or put it out of your mind because it wasn’t as important as you once thought. Find ways to rejuvenate your spirit and enjoy the vibrant energy of spring.

Happy Spring Equinox!

Much love,
Health Coach Carol

“And into the forest I go to lose my mind and find my soul.”— John Muir

10 Muscle Building Tips for Women

Most women I talk with would like to build more muscle and lose more fat.

While strength or resistance training is a key component to building muscle, food is the other factor that plays an important role.

In fact, when it comes to transforming your body, you need to move AND choose your food with your specific fitness goals in mind. 

(Guys, this may not be of interest to you. If that’s the case, please pass it along to the important women in your life who may like to learn more on this topic.)

Here are 10 simple tips to help you build muscle.

  1. Protein is Key: Adequate protein intake is necessary for optimal muscle building. Try incorporating a source of protein in every meal, such as chicken, lean meat, fish, tofu, legumes, dairy products and/or vegetarian sources like pea or hemp. Strength training women should aim for 1.7 to 1.8 grams protein per kilogram of bodyweight (or 0.77 to 0.82 grams per pound of bodyweight) each day. For example, total daily protein intake should be 108 to 115 grams of protein for a 140-pound woman.
  2. Don’t Skip Carbs: Carbohydrates are essential for energy, especially for those who work out regularly. They also help prevent protein breakdown. Choose healthy carbs such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
  3. Healthy Fats: These are necessary for hormone production and overall health. Avocados, nuts, seeds and olive oil are great options.
  4. Hydration is Important: Water is crucial for muscle recovery and overall health.
  5. Timing Matters: Eat meals containing 25 grams of complete protein regularly throughout the day. One palm-sized portion of chicken for example, will give you about 20-30 grams of protein. Protein supplements often offer 20-25 grams of protein per serving. Enjoy a balanced meal or snack with protein and carbs or protein smoothie shortly after a workout to aid in muscle recovery.
  6. Portion Control: Be mindful of portion sizes and eat according to your activity level and goals.
  7. Listen to Your Body: Listen to your body and adjust your diet based on how you feel and the progress you’re making. Those of you with certain health conditions may not be able to consume the amount of protein suggested here. Check with your healthcare provider to determine the best plan for your specific condition.
  8. Consistency is Key: Building muscle takes time and consistency, both in workouts and nutrition. Stay the course and you’ll see and feel results.
  9. Avoid Overly Restrictive Diets: If you’re trying to lose weight be careful not to cut calories too drastically, as it can lead to muscle loss instead of gain. Combining resistance training with a surplus of calories is the best way to build the most muscle and strength. 
  10. Consider Supplements Wisely: While whole foods should be the focus, supplements like whey protein or rice/pea protein blend or BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids) can be helpful if used appropriately.

Vegans/vegetarians may have additional requirements based on their unique nutritional needs.

If you need guidance with building muscle and becoming your strongest, healthiest, most confident self, shoot me an email and we’ll create the best plan for you—WITHOUT dieting.

Much love,
Health Coach Carol

“Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and, above all, confidence in ourselves. We must believe we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained.” – Marie Curie