

Crown Point, IN

October 17, 2024

How Safe is Your Cinnamon?

I’m a huge cinnamon fan. I shake it in my coffee, smoothies, muffins, stewed apples, and of course, pumpkin pie. Years ago I mixed it with a little

October 10, 2024

10 Simple Tips to Ease into Fall

Fall is officially here. I know this not only from the calendar and fewer hours of daylight, but by the temperature of my house when I wake up in the

October 10, 2024

Cumin, Coriander, Fennel (CCF) Tea

To make a cup of CCF tea (Cumin, Coriander, and Fennel tea) using seeds, follow this simple recipe: Ingredients: 1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds 1/2 teaspoon

October 3, 2024

Goat Milk, Goat Cheese, and the Bliss of Goat Yoga

Goat cheese and goat milk offer several health benefits that make them appealing alternatives to cow’s milk and cheese, especially if cow milk doesn

September 25, 2024

5 Stars for Bibibop

Bibibop, pronounced bee-bee-bop, is an Asian-inspired fast-casual restaurant, specializing in Korean bowls. It offers healthy, fresh, delicious, whole

September 19, 2024

Blueprint for Longevity

Longevity. What longevity IS: healthy aging, quality of life, vitality. What it’s NOT: living forever, specific age, never aging. Here’s an intere

September 11, 2024

Mr. Corn, Mr. Non-Compliant, and Tasty Recipes

It’s that time of year again when my cousin Roger (aka Mr. Corn) and his lovely wife, Barb, make the trek from their home in Florida to visit their

September 5, 2024

How to Get the Results You Want

When people talk about their health and fitness goals, generally, they say things like: ⚖️ I want to lose 20 pounds. 🧘🏻 I want to be less st

August 29, 2024

7 Tips for Late Summer Wellness

Labor Day weekend is upon us, signaling the unofficial end of summer. I’ve noticed the sun setting a bit earlier each day. This week in NW Indiana,

August 22, 2024

Should You Use a Fitness Tracker?

Lots of people wonder: Should I get a fitness tracker? The answer: It depends. For some people, it can be a really helpful tool. This is especially tr

After the Turkey

We had spent Thanksgiving eating our family favorites….deep fried turkey, real mashed potatoes (with lumps as proof), sweet potato souffle, cranberry jelly (can rings included), and stuffing.  Blessings and abundance and love.  What could be better?

The day after the eating frenzie, we drove south to a state park and met dear friends to hike off the calories.  An unseasonably warm, sunny day added glory to the streams and rocks that glaciers had carved out so many years ago.   Laughter, slipping in the mud, remembering stories we had written….now called our life, and feeling so very thankful for so many reasons.  Some of us felt challenged by the trails marked as “most difficult” but not one of us turned to take the easy trail.  Sure, we joked and thought about it, but when it came to the moment of decisive truth, none of us caved.  We just kept climbing and pushing our way forward, laughing to ease the pain and encourage one another.  Were we crazy?  No need to reply.  This is the trail.  This is life.

In a world of chaos and frenzy that searches for the best deal or cyber-sale, what relief we found…together, after the turkey, on a November day filled with uncharacteristic splendor.  Many other families did the same.  Gratitude.  Abundance.  Friendship.  Another story written, to recall another time. 

“He climbs highest who helps another up”  Zig Ziglar  

When the rain won’t stop…

It is the kind of autumn day where it seems as though the sun will never shine again.  Dark, damp, rain…all day.  Isn’t life like this too sometimes?  Too often?  We begin to think everything will be fine.  We’ll find not just any job, but the Best Job, with great pay, and all those bills that have piled up will magically be gone.  The children will behave, all at the same time, and not one will have a cough or runny nose.  Our dog won’t run off the minute the front door is opened because there is a squirrel going up the tree in the front yard.  Oh, and the sadness over our sick loved one will subside since there really is a cure for the disease, or the memory will certainly return…if only the rain would stop.

But it doesn’t stop.  One day seems to just flow into the next like a giant wave, with no distinction, no break, no sun.  Circumstances beyond our control.  Tough to face and impossible to change, to fix, to heal.  We do, however, have the ability to choose hope.  We can decide to be thankful for the little glimmers of sun that are cast into the day. 

Glimmers…it is still a job, and although it may not be the Best Job, it will suffice while a plan is made to find the Best Job.  In the meantime, to choose to be the very best in the current circumstance, while seeking out others who may know just the right person to contact.

Glimmers…the children are generally healthy and happy and quite silly and loud most days.  They are the sunshine with their smiles and carefree spirits.

Glimmers…the dog.  With all the stuff that accompanies owning a pet, the dog makes the owners laugh at her silly ways.  Her morning “doggy yoga” stretches, waiting at the kitchen door for any morsel to drop on the floor or land in her bowl, sleeping the day away, because dogs can do that.

Glimmers…as long as there is breath, there is hope.  We lean on those who help us, love us, through our pain.  This lifetime is but a brief moment in time.  We are promised more…we are promised that the rain will stop.  We are promised an endless sun.

“When I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me.”   Micah 7:8 KJV 

Something to think about…

As we direct our focus on the tragedy that took place 10 years ago today, we are overwhelmed.  Overwhelmed with disbelief, sadness, gratitude and the spirit of community.  As we viewed the steel beam that was delivered to our town from New York City, the small tattered flag on one end spoke volumes.  The bent piece of steel that was salvaged from the World Trade Center, is symbolic of our American spirit.  We mourn great loss, but we are still here.  Scarred and tarnished, but strong.  So many lives have been changed forever, and the rest of us are called to love them through their pain.  As brothers and sisters, that is simply what we do.  Of course, we wish we could fix the broken hearts that refuse to heal, bring back parents, children, friends.  Snap our fingers and make it all disappear.  Don’t we?  Wouldn’t we love to be able to heal all wounds so easily? 

We are changed from every event in our lives.  We grow into the person we are today because of history.  Our history.  Today, as we think of all that we have witnessed and all that we are, let us be thankful that we can.  Let us be thankful for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, and those who would do so without thinking twice.  I am blessed to know such people.  Thank you.

“Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” – John 15:13 NIV