

Crown Point, IN

October 17, 2024

How Safe is Your Cinnamon?

I’m a huge cinnamon fan. I shake it in my coffee, smoothies, muffins, stewed apples, and of course, pumpkin pie. Years ago I mixed it with a little

October 10, 2024

10 Simple Tips to Ease into Fall

Fall is officially here. I know this not only from the calendar and fewer hours of daylight, but by the temperature of my house when I wake up in the

October 10, 2024

Cumin, Coriander, Fennel (CCF) Tea

To make a cup of CCF tea (Cumin, Coriander, and Fennel tea) using seeds, follow this simple recipe: Ingredients: 1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds 1/2 teaspoon

October 3, 2024

Goat Milk, Goat Cheese, and the Bliss of Goat Yoga

Goat cheese and goat milk offer several health benefits that make them appealing alternatives to cow’s milk and cheese, especially if cow milk doesn

September 25, 2024

5 Stars for Bibibop

Bibibop, pronounced bee-bee-bop, is an Asian-inspired fast-casual restaurant, specializing in Korean bowls. It offers healthy, fresh, delicious, whole

September 19, 2024

Blueprint for Longevity

Longevity. What longevity IS: healthy aging, quality of life, vitality. What it’s NOT: living forever, specific age, never aging. Here’s an intere

September 11, 2024

Mr. Corn, Mr. Non-Compliant, and Tasty Recipes

It’s that time of year again when my cousin Roger (aka Mr. Corn) and his lovely wife, Barb, make the trek from their home in Florida to visit their

September 5, 2024

How to Get the Results You Want

When people talk about their health and fitness goals, generally, they say things like: ⚖️ I want to lose 20 pounds. 🧘🏻 I want to be less st

August 29, 2024

7 Tips for Late Summer Wellness

Labor Day weekend is upon us, signaling the unofficial end of summer. I’ve noticed the sun setting a bit earlier each day. This week in NW Indiana,

August 22, 2024

Should You Use a Fitness Tracker?

Lots of people wonder: Should I get a fitness tracker? The answer: It depends. For some people, it can be a really helpful tool. This is especially tr

Healthy Ideas from December 12, 2011

Here are some highlights from last evening’s Healthy Living Exchange that focus on a topic that is huge this time of year (and all year!):  FOOD

Decide now what your health will look like as you enter 2012.  We have several weeks to make a plan that will serve us toward better health, rather than simply allowing the holiday season to have its way with us.

1.  Decide on the weight you would like to be the first week of January.  Be a realist.  If you are on a course to shed some pounds, continue on your set plan with that picture in your mind.  To maintain the weight you currently own, set a course to keep you there.  Make the decision now to eat balanced meals and healthy snacks, keeping an attack on the Christmas cookies to a minimum.  This does not mean you have to avoid every delicious treat that passes your way.  This does mean that you must make the choice now on how you plan to handle those special times. 

2.  Exercise.  Make an appointment in your day planner like you would any other appointment.  Have scheduled times to walk with a friend or meet at the gym for a workout.  Accountability is huge here.  What a great gift for someone you care about and yourself! 

3.  Be nice to you.  Set aside a bit of time, perhaps 15 minutes or so, each day to do something that makes you happy.  Read a great book, take a nap, soak in the tub, write Christmas cards, you get the idea.  Drink plenty of water (add lemon/lime if it is not your favorite) and get plenty of rest.  How can you be the light if your candle is about to be extinguished?  Answer:  You can’t.

Our protein shake of the month is chocolate mint.  To make it, I took some original almond milk, a few ice cubes, Arbonne chocolate protein, Breyer’s Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream (small scoop), and a handful of fresh spinach.  (No, you do not taste the spinach unless you use over 2 cups.  Lots of healthy benefits by adding spinach to any smoothie or shake.)  Swirl in the blender.  Delicious!  To cut calories, you could substitute a bit of peppermint extract for the ice cream.  If you prefer to avoid protein powder, try a bit of cocoa powder, keeping in mind that it is not sweet.

We also tried raspberry Kefir.  Kefir is like yogurt that is liquid.  There are several flavors or plain to choose from.  This product adds the good bacteria we need to keep our digestive health happy.  Perhaps you are familiar with the term probiotics.  Lots of those in Kefir!  This may be added to any smoothie, or simply enjoyed as is.  Kefir is located near the yogurt section of most grocery stores.

In combination, these ideas could help us all enjoy a more balanced entry into a new and exciting year, if we choose to implement them into our daily life today.

“Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.”  3 John 2  NIV


Where are your Gifts?

Only 13 days until Christmas.  Where are your Gifts?  I do not mean the gifts we look for in stores and in catalogues or on the internet.  Where are the Gifts only YOU were created to give?  In this season of Advent, it is the Gifts only you are able to give that can make a difference in making the world brighter!

Do you know someone who is rather sad these days?  Perhaps you know lots of folks who are simply feeling blue.  Some have lost loved ones and find this time of year particularly difficult.  Others are in the midst of financial struggles and/or loss of a job.  We all have friends who dread spending time with certain family members for various reasons.  Many people are ill and holidays add even more unnecessary stress.  Whatever the reason, is there a way you could share some of your Gifts and make a difference?  Could you reach out and give a part of yourself to share hope, light and a bit of love?

Think about it.  What if you phoned a friend you know could use some hope and spent an hour of your time with them over lunch or a cup of coffee?  Or, what if you gave your favorite cashier at the grocery a small token of appreciation, because she often makes your day a bit brighter?  What if you wrote a note to someone who hasn’t heard from you in a while?  Could you add some light to their busy week?

Often we apply the “all or none” principle.  Let perfection go.  When we all do a little something, we add more hope, light and love to a world that is too often filled with darkness, bitterness and never enough love.

Only 13 days until Christmas.  Quiet yourself from all the shopping, baking, decorating, etc.   Let your unique light shine and fill someone’s heart with hope and love.  May God Bless~

“I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them;  I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth.  These are the things I will do;  I will not forsake them.”   The promise of God,  Isaiah 42:16  NIV

Dancin’…Dancin’…Dancin’ the Night Away

What fun we had the other evening.  We danced!  Not just any dance, but THE BIG DANCE– of the year.  My son attends an all boys’ high school and each year is the Mother & Son Dance, fondly referred to as the “Mom Prom.”  

Now, before you think this whole idea is crazy and wonder what young man between the ages of 14-19 would even attend such an event, let me set the record straight.  Lots of sons dance with their moms and actually have fun.  It is a very refreshing sight to behold.  Young men dressed in suits, ties and the like, out on the town with their moms.  Granted, most freshman struggle with this, but peer pressure can be a good thing.  This dance is a real treat for us moms, and the upperclassmen set the tone.  There were several instances when I heard my son say to a fellow student, “Why aren’t you dancing with your mom?  She does everything for you!”  Wow!  Hopefully this phase of raising my son lasts his lifetime. 

We laughed and danced and laughed some more.  We took lots of pictures and tried to follow the latest “club” dance steps.  (The boys seemed to have it a bit more together here.)   Moms and their sons, having the time of their lives, before college and crazy work schedules…in spite of current day challenges.  It was a bit like a fairytale, and at midnight, the glass slippers were gone.  Hard as we try to hang on to times like these, time marches on and so do our children.  How blessed I am to have had one more dance.

“Discipline your son and he will give you peace;  he will bring delight to your soul.”                                    Proverbs 29:17 NIV  

There’s just something about dinner

I was conversing with some friends yesterday, and it became very clear that some pretty big decisions are made while dining together.  Not just about superficial “how was your day” talk, but meaningful things that have the potential to change lives.  Like:  deciding to make a retreat;  becoming a community volunteer;  or coaching your child’s sports team.  Why is this?  Perhaps it is because we have time to really think as we chew, taste and swallow that bite of baked potato seasoned with real butter and a smidgen of sour cream.  Maybe our brain goes through a similar process to make a decision.  Maybe it’s because we are forced to look into our friend’s eyes and see what is honestly happening in their life as we sit across the table.  Or is it because we have chosen to take the time to just be present to the moment at hand?

Think about the significant things in your life and you’ll see where I’m coming from on this.  When we get together to do just about anything, there is food available.  Example:  business networking usually takes place during the breakfast or lunch hour.  Yes, some of that is because we are all very busy and stressed and we have to multi-task to fit it all into our day.  However, there is just something really comforting about eating while we talk about important stuff. 

I often joke about how it is all about the food.  It is.  Food sustains us.  It is tangible and comforting and hopefully, delicious.  (Healthy will be another “thought” on another day.)  So, the next time a friend invites you to meet for dinner, be careful what you sign up for.  You might find yourself in a situation that you never expected….and it could be a very good thing!

“So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.”                                                                                  1Cor 10:31 NAB