
Crown Point, IN


Author: admink

Ingredient Substitutes for the Holidays

Recent text from my son: “Say something involves breadcrumbs and looks good and I want to make it. Any suggestions/alternatives to stay away from the breadcrumbs? LOL” I picked up the phone. Too much texting to cover that ground and my fingers get tired. It’s a...

Have Some Fun

Do you love your plan to get yourself moving, get in your steps, burn some calories, bump up your energy level, what have you? Or is it pure torture and drudgery? Are you in the category of folks who claim, “I don’t have time,” when...

To Donut…or Not

This morning’s newspaper contained a FOOD section. No surprise, it is my favorite section of the paper. Today, Mr. Non-Compliant husband of mine took great delight in handing it over, saying, “Oh, you’ll want to be sure to read this!” The main article was all about...