
Crown Point, IN


Author: admink

What’s Your Story?

Our lives are fascinating. Sit quietly for a moment and consider a story about your life that someone would find compelling. And don’t tell me you don’t have one. Yes, you do. Like the time you and your friend took a bus trip to the largest hosta...

Just Do a Little Bit Better

In our journey to a healthier, happier life, we often get a bit overzealous. We think we can conquer it all, all at the same time. We work out everyday for an hour, give up the sugar and bread, eat massive amounts of fruits and vegetables, and...

As the Fog Clears

I’ve been in some pretty thick fog in the past. Sometimes over land, sometimes over water, and sometimes, in my brain. If you’ve ever found yourself in any of the above, it can be somewhat frightful. In each situation, all I needed was for someone to take...