
Crown Point, IN


Author: admink

When You are Swallowed by Fog…

And you cannot see.  Anything.  Dense, thick, dark fog surrounds you and yes, you feel like you have been swallowed.  Now what?  Fear, anxiety, anger, impatience.  The list goes on.  The fog may come as illness, depression, addiction, death, abandonment.  We all have been swallowed at...

Got Goals?

We spoke today of goals for 2013.  Since the discussion occurred in the midst of a networking group of professionals, we chose primarily our business goals.  Thinking about setting my life in a forward motion based on some pre-set ideas and “goals” feels a bit...

Lost in the Garden

Why is it the weeds always grow better than the vegetables or the flowers?  I find myself in my small vegetable garden these days, searching for the tomato and pepper plants which are lost among the weeds.  After digging around for what seems like days,...

Smiles on Pansies

This is perfect pansy weather.  Cool.  Recently, I planted some of these unique annuals.  Now is their time.  As soon as mid-June hits, July for certain, these delicacies are finished.  Their color availability makes them perfect companions to the early tulips and daffodils.  And, many...

One of Life’s Difficult Questions…

  My son, the one who is eighteen, approached me with this question.  “Do you ever feel like you won’t have enough time in your life to do everything you want to do?”  My answer.  “Yes.” He began to tell me how he has thought of so...

May We Never Be Indifferent

  Today is my birthday.  I am blessed beyond measure and am Living Large.  Friends have been posting birthday wishes on my facebook wall throughout the day.  Many have called or texted me.  I received a few cards in my mailbox and a dear friend treated...

Girls…Running…And Me

  I have just returned from the 2012 Girls on the Run Summit, which took place this past week in Tampa, Florida.  The Summit is similar to what other organizations refer to as a convention.  We attended general and specific break-out sessions, had opportunities to go...

Some Things Never Change

  There are days when I am sad about the governing in our world today, at every level.  How many times do I think, “How could this be?” and this is usually followed by another thought like, “God, what are you thinking?” It is at this point...

And Now for 2012…

I have just returned home from a ten-day vacation.  Four days of it were spent in a van with my husband, two sons and the family dog.  We visited family in Tennessee and Florida.  No, I did not return home with a tan, as it...