

Crown Point, IN


Happy Birth Month

Happy Birth Month

You’re probably thinking that I just celebrated my birth month. And I did.

One year ago. Already.

How quickly the years go by. 

I recently read No Regrets: A Fable About Living Your 4th Quarter Intentionally by Allen Hunt and Matthew Kelly.

No Regrets is about a woman in her 4th quarter of life who comes to the stark realization that her ordinary life is simply not measuring up.

Something is missing.

She also realizes that it is not too late to make meaningful changes. But how?

The book provides a roadmap for how to make the most of the final season of life. It will inspire, move, and encourage you to become your best, no matter what quarter of life you are in.

It’s never too late, or too early, to make life assessments and change course.

In my 4th quarter, I feel a deeper sense of urgency to spend time doing what matters most and letting go of those things that matter least.

The key is determining what those things are—in both columns.

The Fourth Quarter of Your Life Workbook is a tool to assist with this. (Currently the workbook is on backorder and will begin shipping in about a month.)

 Now is the time to take on new challenges, study interesting topics, enrich relationships, say “No” to some things in order to say “Yes” to others.

Anytime is a good time to plan on having no regrets. Birthdays merely put it in your face. Life-changing events also tend to promote change.

All that being said, I am loving my birth month. Spending more time with family and friends makes me happy.

So does sharing my amazing coconut cake with a fellow birth month friend. 

I invite you to share in the delight of another year with me. I also invite you to review your “Yes” and “No” columns and shift your course if necessary.

Cheers to having no regrets.

And to savoring coconut birthday cake.

With gratitude and much love,
Health Coach Carol

“Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I’m sixty-four?”—Paul McCartney

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