
Crown Point, IN


Author: admink

Stress and Weight Retention

I’ve heard this frustration more than once: I eat pretty well, I am faithful with my workouts and I still am not able to lose weight. What is the problem? Are you stressed? What is your stress level on a scale of 1-10 in any area...

5 Festival Food Tips

Summer Solstice and Festival Fun! These are the days we long for in winter. The trick for many is sticking with a reasonable food and fitness routine through ninety-degree days, corn dogs and elephant ears. Here’s one idea: You could put it all off until August...

My Hot Dog Confession and Easy Grilled Vegetables

It was Friday afternoon and someone (my dear husband, "Mr. Non-Compliant") got hungry and wanted a hot dog. We were about to get on a highway with bumper-to-bumper traffic and Madvek's Dog House was nearby, so we caved. Yes, I caved. I ate a Chicago...

It’s Berry Time

Indiana plus June equals strawberries. ‘Tis the season to enjoy the best of the best. When my boys were little, we would make the trip to Johnson’s Farm in Hobart on Ridge Road and ride the school bus out to the fields to pick the tastiest...

Got Joy? Share Joy

Are you feeling joyful today? If you are, why? Is there a way you can share it? These are loaded questions, so let’s explore some thoughts on the topic. I know people who are grandparents. When I ask them anything about their grandchildren, their faces light up...

Fruits and Vegetables Made Easy

‘Tis the season of Farmer’s Markets and an abundance of fruits and vegetables grown locally. Well, almost. In winter, it can be such a challenge to find a tasty tomato or strawberry. June is the month in Indiana for homegrown strawberries. July is for blueberries and...

Choosing Wisely

Sometimes we attend luncheons or dinners, and the fare offered is rather limited. Perhaps, as I wrote in my blog last week, we feel like we are using up our 20% of the 80/20 rule. But maybe, just maybe, we can get by unscathed. Here...

Why 80% is an “A” on my Scale

When I was in school, an “A” was earned with a score of 90% to 100%. There wasn’t much room for error. When I practiced pharmacy, the range of error was even less, as you can imagine. When it comes to eating in a way that...

What’s Your Elephant?

I recently came across a movie starring Bill Murray (odds are good it’s a comedy—it was) and an elephant by the name of Vera. In a nutshell, it’s about a motivational speaker (Bill) who learns his circus clown father died and left him Vera. Since...

The “Fit Person” Ideal

So many times we have very lofty ideas about how certain people live their lives. We are on the outside looking in, and we usually make their story much better than it truly is. The fitness picture of those we admire, is no exception.  When I...