
Crown Point, IN


Personal Development

Why We Need to Retreat

Retreat:  a period of withdrawal from worldly activities for prayer and meditation;  withdrawal into privacy or seclusion, a place for this. (Oxford American Dictionary) One of my earliest memories of taking retreat is from my college days, as a Delta Gamma pledge going on “walk-out.”  My...

The Art of Slowing Down

"Sometimes you have to go slow in order to go fast." How many times have we heard this phrase?  This thinking has been cited by many; however my quote today is from Chris Brady in his book A Month of ITALY Rediscovering the Art of Vacation. ...

Less Really is More

It is gardening time in Indiana.  I love it!  My tulips have just completed a beautiful round of glorifying my yard and even my husband commented on their brilliance.  Never mind that it was a temperate day last December when I planted the bulbs.  Yes,...

Got Goals?

We spoke today of goals for 2013.  Since the discussion occurred in the midst of a networking group of professionals, we chose primarily our business goals.  Thinking about setting my life in a forward motion based on some pre-set ideas and “goals” feels a bit...

And Now for 2012…

I have just returned home from a ten-day vacation.  Four days of it were spent in a van with my husband, two sons and the family dog.  We visited family in Tennessee and Florida.  No, I did not return home with a tan, as it...