

Crown Point, IN


Celebrating the Spring Equinox

Celebrating the Spring Equinox

This year the spring equinox occurred on March 19 at 11:06 P.M. EDT. That was the astronomical beginning of the spring season in the Northern Hemisphere and the autumn season in the Southern Hemisphere.

The word equinox comes from the Latin words for “equal night”—aequus (equal) and nox (night). On the equinox, the length of day and night is nearly equal in all parts of the world.

Although the temperatures may not yet feel spring-like, we have survived another dark and dreary winter. 

The spring equinox marks a pivotal point in the year’s cycle, symbolizing balance, rebirth and new beginnings.

Some ways to celebrate

Embrace Balance in Your Life. Now is a good time to reflect on the equilibrium between work and play, activity and rest, giving and receiving. Do any adjustments need to be made?

Rebirth and Renewal. Spring is synonymous with rebirth and renewal. Use this time to declutter your space and mind, letting go of anything that no longer serves you.

Celebrate Growth and New Beginnings. The sprouting of new life in nature is a powerful reminder of our own capacity for growth and transformation. Set new goals or start a new project that aligns with your aspirations for the coming months. Think of it as another opportunity to wipe the slate clean, like the New Year. Embrace the energy of new beginnings and the potential for personal transformation.

Connect with Nature. Yesterday I took part in a walking meditation with a small group. We wandered through the woods and mud, listening, seeing, smelling, grounding and connecting with Nature. It was a magical way to celebrate the arrival (finally!) of spring. I highly recommend that you spend some time outdoors in the next several days doing whatever it is that brings you peace. 

Celebrate with Seasonal Foods. After my walk, I celebrated by braising leeks, topping them with goat cheese. That is NOT Mr. Non-Compliant’s way of celebrating at all, but since he wasn’t around, I didn’t have to hear him gag at the sight of my spring leeks. Prepare a dish that you enjoy and have been missing all winter. If your Mr. or Mrs. Non-Compliant complains, eat it anyway. In an upcoming blog post I’ll share some Ayurvedic foods and tips that complement warmer weather and help you feel lighter.

Reflect and Recharge. Use this time of transition to reflect on the past months and recharge your batteries. Is there something that you had planned to do during the winter months that didn’t quite happen? Perhaps you can recommit to that project now or put it out of your mind because it wasn’t as important as you once thought. Find ways to rejuvenate your spirit and enjoy the vibrant energy of spring.

Happy Spring Equinox!

Much love,
Health Coach Carol

“And into the forest I go to lose my mind and find my soul.”— John Muir

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