

Crown Point, IN


Why You Can’t Stop Eating Junk Food

Why You Can’t Stop Eating Junk Food

“Who ate all these chips?!”

You look around and, alas, not even a dog to blame.


It’s not your fault. 

If you’ve had this experience—robotically hand-to-mouthing some ultra-delicious, highly snackable food until the whole party-size portion is gone—you’ve probably felt frustrated or even ashamed.

But with ultra-processed foods, the odds are against you:

It’s you versus dozens of taste-testing focus groups, clever marketing, and an ambrosia of flavors, chemicals, and textures designed to send your brain into bliss.

From a food manufacturer’s perspective, this makes sense: the more you eat, the more you buy. Cha-ching!

Ultra-processed foods aren’t evil.

And you’re not broken if you can’t control yourself around certain foods.

But if these foods are making you feel sick or out of control, here are some strategies that might help:

1. Notice your chewing.

Processed foods are manipulated so they require less chewing and nearly “melt” in your mouth.

Next time you eat them, notice:

How many chews does it take to dissolve the food? Do the flavors improve the longer you chew? How satisfied do you feel after a few bites?

How does this compare to a whole food, like an apple or brown rice?

2. Limit your options.

Studies show people will eat more when they have a variety of flavors to choose from.

Experts call this the “buffet effect”: You go from the noodle bar to the ribs station to the build-your-own-sundae, then back to the noodles.

With so many delicious options, it’s hard to stop.

Without judgment, count the number of snacky foods you have in your home. Generally, the more options you have, the easier it is to overeat.

3. Notice patterns.

We often use food for reasons other than physical nourishment.

For example, if we feel sad, we might eat a cookie for comfort. Temporarily, we feel better.

When you find yourself eating when you’re not physically hungry, try to determine the trigger. Ask:

🤔 What am I feeling?

🤔 What time is it?

🤔 Who am I with?

🤔 Where am I?

🤔 What thoughts am I having?

Keep a journal and look for patterns.

If you feel ready and able, you can try to replace eating with another behavior. 

For example, if you typically turn to wine and ice cream when you feel lonely in the evening, maybe run yourself a bath and listen to a funny podcast.

Treats are a perk of modern living—they’re delicious and almost universally accessible. And you don’t need to eliminate them altogether. Enjoy them sparingly and when they’re AMAZING.

By paying attention to your own behaviors—along with some practice—you can foster a healthier relationship with these kinds of foods.

Need a guide as you embark on a journey towards a healthier, happier you? Together, we can create a personalized plan to help you conquer cravings, nourish your body, and feel your best. Send me a message today to get this party started.

Sending you love,
Health Coach Carol

“I know that when I get stressed, I want to eat junk food. So now I just know – ‘I’m stressed, I want to eat junk food, so I’m going to go work out instead, or eat something healthy.’ It really works.”—Casa Castronuova

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