

Crown Point, IN


Mr. Non-Compliant’s Unwavering Passion for…Corn

Mr. Non-Compliant’s Unwavering Passion for…Corn

Mr. Non-Compliant LOVES corn on the cob. Since the corn season is rather brief, I do my best to oblige him with this indulgence.

And as my dear cousin Roger says, “Corn on the cob is a vehicle for salt and butter.”

Yep, that’s my family. I do miss the farm as I recall summer days when we could pick corn and tomatoes from our backyard garden and eat it all immediately.

Talk about good eatin’.

This season, my tomatoes are small and many are still green. I have no space to grow corn. 

We’re at the mercy of grocery stores, as I seem to keep missing the farmer’s markets and produce stands.

I’ve not had the best luck finding tender corn in the stores. When the price is lower, the corn is too mature and rather tough.

When I find what looks like imported corn from some southern state, it’s sometimes $1.00 or more an ear. It’s shucked, packaged and just happens to be pretty delicious.

It somehow feels very wrong to be eating already-shucked corn from another state this time of year.

Such a conundrum.

My father used to claim that any corn more than 5 minutes old when it hits the boiling water is not fit to eat.

I have definitely compromised my standards for Mr. NC.

If you discover some local tasty corn, please let me know where you found it.

Prior to adding the salt and butter, corn does have some redeeming qualities.

It is one of the most popular cereal grains and is primarily composed of carbohydrates. It also has a fair amount of fiber, mostly insoluble meaning it does not dissolve in water and is left intact and undigested.

Corn is a high-antioxidant food (a good thing), and is a source of protein, vitamin C, certain B vitamins, potassium, and magnesium.

Because it is a complex carbohydrate food that is also high in fiber, it supports steady energy levels, and ranks low or medium on the glycemic index scale.

It is naturally gluten free and can be a good substitute for wheat or other gluten-containing foods. 

Sweet corn, the kind we usually eat whole, off the cob, is mostly non-GMO corn.

Field corn, the kind used to make corn oil, high fructose corn syrup, livestock feed, and many chemical ingredients that are added to packaged, processed foods, is usually genetically modified.

 When purchasing corn tortillas or other corn products, look for “non-GMO” on the label.

Enjoy the local produce while we still have a bit of summer left.

Wishing you a happy and safe Labor Day weekend!

Much love,
Health Coach Carol

“Alas, summer sun can’t last forever. The days will grow cooler and shorter, and our skin will once again pale.”— Sarah MacLean

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