

Crown Point, IN


Treat Your Taste Buds to This Simple Green Salad

Treat Your Taste Buds to This Simple Green Salad

As warmer days make their appearance, we tend to trade our hearty soup recipes in for light, bursting-with-flavor salads.

By increasing fruit and vegetable intake, and introducing a variety of produce, we can strengthen the immune system by diversifying the gut microbiome, or “good” bacteria. 

This salad is perfect for a light lunch or even a snack. Add grilled chicken to make it a more substantial meal. 

 Mixed Greens with Goat Cheese and Blueberries

Fill your favorite salad bowl with a mixture of greens. I used mixed spring greens, arugula, and buttercrunch. Crumble goat cheese (or your favorite soft cheese) and add a handful of blueberries to the greens. Toss first with extra virgin olive oil, then add fresh lemon juice and a bit of salt to taste. The sweet blueberries balance out the tart goat cheese and lemon juice. When sufficiently tossed, top with sunflower seeds or chopped nut of your choice.

For dessert, a honeycrisp apple. If you eat apples and don’t have the gadget in the picture, it’s time to invest in the apple corer slicer. With one quick swoop, the apple is ready to eat.

Confession: when I buy greens, I often get the organic varieties that are washed and ready to eat. They come in those recyclable plastic containers. I’m trying to bring home less plastic, however I eat more greens when it’s quick and easy. Still a work in progress here…   

Sautéed Vegetable Mix

This week I also made a side dish with some veggies that were hanging out in my vegetable bin.

It was quite a colorful combo and Mr. Non-Compliant commented on how much he liked them. Yes, you read that correctly. He is enjoying his vegetables these days.

I sautéed Vidalia onion, zucchini, red cabbage, and rainbow Swiss chard in coconut oil (avocado oil is good too, since it is stable when using high heat) until tender. Before serving, I sprinkled on some Tajín Clásico Seasoning, a unique blend of 100% natural chili peppers, lime & sea salt. You could sprinkle with your favorite seasoning, or salt and pepper.

Remember to find something “new to you” in the produce section this week. Have fun creating a simple colorful salad or side dish.

Cheers to colorful and delicious eating,
Health Coach Carol

“Food is not simply organic fuel to keep body and soul together, it is a perishable art that must be savored at the peak of perfec­tion.” – E.A. Bucchianeri

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