

Crown Point, IN


What to Do When Your Healthy Habits Go by the Wayside

What to Do When Your Healthy Habits Go by the Wayside

It happens.

To everyone.

You do well week after week. You have a regular exercise program, a meal and snack plan that provides good energy and sleep, and the stress level feels tolerable.

Even your social scene is just right.

Then, the bottom falls out.   

A loved one gets sick, you lose your job, your gym closes, the world feels like it’s falling apart—or at least your world.

The stability you had in your life vanished due to one or more circumstances beyond your control. 


And with the loss of stability went all your good habits. You lose focus. You lose drive. There’s no motivation around to bring you back.

Your days are suddenly filled with frequent drive-thru meals, few or no workout days, poor sleep, and more anxiety than peace.

Here’s the good news: You’re not broken.

Rather, your foundation of sleep, stress management, and recovery skills may not be strong enough to support your nutrition and fitness.

Solution: Make a list of some (5-minute) activities you could do in your week to make you feel as though you’re taking positive steps for your health.

The simpler, the better. Like, set out a glass to remind you to have a drink of water in the morning.

Or, set your sneakers by the front door to help you remember to take a 5-minute walk.

Choose one of them to get started. Do that thing. Then choose another. Build on your bright spots. Remember that this is about progression, not perfection. It’s not an all or none sport.

Allow your ACTION to drive your behavior, rather than waiting for motivation to kick in.

Here’s a Bright Spots Tracker to help you.

Celebrate every win. When we feel good about what we are accomplishing, we tend to draw more of that into our lives, despite what the world unexpectedly throws in our path. 

Need a little help? Email me and we’ll work out a plan together.

Cheers to you,
Health Coach Carol

“Right now, only THIS moment matters. Every single day, every hour, even every minute, you can wipe the slate clean and move forward.”—Krista Scott-Dixon

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