

Crown Point, IN


She Ate All the Chips

She Ate All the Chips

I ran into JJ (initials used to protect identity) at the gym the other morning. Upon seeing her, she confessed that she recently ate an entire bag of potato chips. At one time. (It’s interesting that people feel the need to confess their food and fitness blunders when they see me.)

“What kind were they?” I asked. “I need specifics.”

To which she replied, “Mesquite BBQ, crinkle cut. They’re seasonal, and I got them at Aldi. It was a family size bag.”

“You ate the entire bag?”


Her conscience was clear. She could move on.   

Turns out that JJ was emotionally satisfied after the chip incident, yet felt physically horrible. The chips caused bloating, then guilt. Ugh. She was a mess.

Does this scene resonate with you in any way? Maybe not with chips, but with cookies, ice cream, wine, candy, anything?

Here are some considerations when faced with your personal “chip” situation.

  • When you’re at the grocery, remember that whatever goes home will be eaten by someone. If that someone is you, and you tend to go into unconscious binging at times, don’t even put it in your buggy. Leave it at the store. You can always buy it another day. Oh, and beware of the story that it’s for another family member. Right.
  • Keep the mindset of abundance over deprivation. JJ could have had a handful of chips and enjoyed them immensely, then moved on to do something that brought her happiness: listen to favorite music, read scripture, eat more nutritionally sound food if truly hungry, get to the gym, phone a friend. She would have been fed emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Win.  
  • Consider who’s in control. Although we really don’t have much control over what happens in life, we usually have control over what and how much we eat. The chips had control over JJ. Do you have control over the food, or does it have control over you?

We’ve all been where JJ was, at one time or another. It offers us an opportunity to do just a little bit better in the future.

If you keep getting stuck, email me and we’ll work through it together.

Live your life of abundance, and feel great doing it.

Much love,

“See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it. It always works, it works every time, with every person.” -Bob Proctor


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