

Crown Point, IN


Keep it Simple

Keep it Simple

It’s that magical time of year.

According to Runner’s World, most resolutions concerning health and fitness were over and done last Sunday, January 19.

How about you? If you had any kind of New Year’s commitment to get fit, are you still in the game?

If so, congratulations! You are one of the few. You can stop reading and move on with your day.

If not, get back in the game. Today.  

Getting and keeping fit does not take discipline. This is a business that takes patience, time, and keeping it simple. This is habit.

You don’t even have to give it 100%. In yoga, all that is asked is to give 2/3 effort. Any more than that, we’re working too hard, and that’s not the point.

The point is to show up as a beginner, curious to learn about oneself during those moments on the mat. The point is to be present to the present, and breathe.

Each and every time.

Yes, it’s that simple. It’s a habit that takes time to develop. Simple does not equal easy.

Let’s look at where you are in your journey with anything, today. How are you showing up? Is it possible to be a beginner who is curious to learn? Could you give it 2/3 effort?

Of course you can! I believe in you.

Let’s say you made a commitment to eat healthier. That’s pretty broad, and frankly, I’m not there 100% of the time. So, whatever it is that causes you to stumble, could you practice going for 2/3?

Cut back on the sugar or chips. Exercise 2/3 of the days you had originally intended. Drink a little more water than you did last year. Get 15 minutes more sleep in a night. You get the idea.  

Keep it simple, go for 2/3, and practice until it becomes a habit. This is the way to stay in your game.

Send me an email. I’m happy to help you set simpler rules to your game—one that you can win.

Much love,

“The very heart of yoga practice is ‘abyhasa’ – steady effort in the direction you want to go.” –Sally Kempton

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