

Crown Point, IN


10 Simple Tips to Ease into Fall

10 Simple Tips to Ease into Fall

Fall is officially here. I know this not only from the calendar and fewer hours of daylight, but by the temperature of my house when I wake up in the morning.


Oh, and I’m already cleaning up leaves in my flowerbeds and around the yard. Seems like just yesterday that we were enjoying the long days of summer. Ahhh…. sweet memories. 

At any rate, it seems like I can’t get enough sleep either. I know it’s the shift in seasons since this happens every year.

Perhaps some of you can relate. The change to cold and darker days messes with us.

What to do? Here are 10 simple tips to help ease the transition into the chilly days and nights of autumn.

  1. Warm, Cooked Meals: Favor warm, nourishing meals like soups, stews, and cooked grains. For breakfast, try cooked grains like oatmeal, cream of rice, cream of wheat.
  2. Root Vegetables: Incorporate grounding foods like sweet potatoes, carrots, beets, and squashes. These vegetables are naturally warming and provide stable energy.
  3. Spices: Use warming spices such as ginger, cinnamon, cumin, turmeric, and black pepper in your cooking. These spices ignite the digestive fire and help keep the body warm.
  4. Warm Beverages: Drink herbal teas like ginger tea, cinnamon tea, or cumin, coriander and fennel tea to promote proper digestion. (Click here for a recipe to make your own CCF brew.) Sipping warm water throughout the day is also beneficial. Avoid cold drinks.
  5. Consistent Routine: Fall can feel ungrounding, so establishing a daily routine for eating, sleeping, and exercising is important to create stability.
  6. Restorative Sleep: Try to go to bed early and wake up early to stay aligned with the season. (This is one I need to practice.)
  7. Slow Down: Fall is a time to reduce activity and focus on introspection and rest. Avoid multitasking and aim to simplify your schedule.
  8. Fall Colors: Embrace the beauty of the season and incorporate warm, grounding colors into your wardrobe, like deep reds, oranges, yellows, and earthy tones (browns, rusts, olive greens), to help you feel more connected to the comforting rhythms of fall.
  9. Grounding Rituals: Spend time outside in nature to ground yourself, whether through gentle walks, gardening, or just sitting in a park. This helps align your energy with the grounding qualities of fall.
  10. Warm Clothing: Dress in layers with warm, soft fabrics like wool and cotton to keep your body warm and cozy.   

As the leaves change and the air turns crisp, taking small, intentional steps can make all the difference in how we transition into the cooler months. Whether it’s through the foods we eat, the colors we wear, or the mindful rituals we practice, tuning into nature’s rhythms brings a sense of balance and peace.

Need some help getting started with your fall routine? Shoot me an email and we’ll create a plan together.

Much love,
Health Coach Carol

“Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go.” — Unknown

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