

Crown Point, IN


My Best Workout Tip for Top Results

My Best Workout Tip for Top Results

Ever wonder how to get the most out of your run or walk or strength training workouts?

It’s the same way you can feel the most productive about your days.


Intentionality involves being present and fully engaged in the current activity, making conscious decisions aligned with one’s values and goals.

Let’s say you’re doing strength training exercises to build up your biceps (or any muscle group).

According to a new study, achieving maximal strength requires as much mental effort as physical exertion.

In other words, the more you put into training—including mental effort—the more you’ll get out of it.

When you intentionally focus on those biceps while you’re lifting and lowering those weights, the more benefit your work will have on that muscle.

Of course, if you’re new to an exercise program, simply showing up and moving through your routine with proper form will bring results–even if you’re thinking of your “To Do” list instead of focusing on your movements.

However, if you’ve been training for some time, getting intentional could give you the edge you’re looking for. You can actually think yourself stronger.

Simply imagining yourself contracting your muscles as forcefully as possible will increase your strength.

If you’re going for a run or taking a walk, what is it you’re trying to accomplish today? Never mind that you’re training for a big race in a month or moving in order to lose 10 pounds.

What is this doing for your mindset, body, energy now? Is it fun—or drudgery? If it’s the latter, what can you change about your intention to make it more fulfilling?

Perhaps you’d like to feel powerful, peaceful, relaxed, happy, carefree. Take your pick.

Intention can be applied to all areas of life to experience increased productivity, better decision-making, more meaningful relationships, improved mental health and a deeper sense of fulfillment.

In yoga, we are often encouraged to choose an intention for our practice—one that we can take with us and come back to throughout our day.

What is it that you need today?

Sending love,
Health Coach Carol

“Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is.” –Mary Anne Radmacher

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