

Crown Point, IN


Tips for a Sluggish Thyroid

Tips for a Sluggish Thyroid

Lately, I’ve been getting lots of questions about the little gland known as the thyroid.

It seems to be underperforming for many of you.

Hypothyroidism—a.k.a. low thyroid—is way more prevalent in women than men.

And it’s no fun: Along with a host of difficult symptoms—fatigue, low mood, constipation, dry skin, fertility issues—a low-functioning thyroid can slow metabolic rate, making it easier to gain weight (and harder to lose it).

In fact, research suggests that people with mild to moderate hypothyroidism may experience a metabolic slowdown of 140 to 360 calories a day.

As if weight loss wasn’t hard enough, right?   

However, if you do have hypothyroidism, it doesn’t mean you should double-down on restriction, willpower, and strenuous gym labor.

That often fails.

Here’s what to do instead.

(And by the way, this is a good process for anyone looking to lose weight and/or improve their health.)

Nail the basics.

Many people with hypothyroidism want to start with fairly intense and specific dietary changes they’ve read about on the internet.

Like most, those with hypothyroidism typically benefit more from simpler strategies, done with high consistency: Emphasize minimally processed foods, get regular physical activity, prioritize sleep, and eat slowly and mindfully.

(If these sound too basic, ask yourself how well you’re doing all these things consistently now.)

Target specific nutrition issues.

Several deficiencies can contribute to hypothyroidism, making weight loss—and better health overall—harder.

Some common deficiencies that contribute to thyroid function include: iodine, iron, selenium, copper, zinc, and tyrosine. Eating a wide variety of whole foods is a great place to start when attempting to fill those nutritional gaps.

I can easily get stuck in a rut, eating the same fruits and vegetables day after day. Challenge yourself to be adventurous and try something “new” each week.

Or, if you’ve not been very consistent eating whole foods in general, begin today to make this a priority.

Envision a hopeful future—then take action.

Develop a crystal-clear vision of what a healthier you looks like. Then begin embodying it. 

Action often drives motivation, not the other way around.

While every case is unique, practicing these simple strategies is a good way to begin to help your thyroid work more effectively.

If you’d like to continue the conversation on the topic of hypothyroidism and how it’s specifically affecting you, send me an email so that we can figure out a time to connect.

Much love,
Health Coach Carol

“When Diet Is Wrong, Medicine Is Of No Use. When Diet Is Correct, Medicine Is Of No Need.” – Ayurvedic Proverb

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