

Crown Point, IN


July’s Outdoor Delights

July’s Outdoor Delights

Mr. Non-Compliant and I have been taking lots of walks lately. In fact, we have an ongoing friendly competition concerning our daily step count.

He usually wins.

Here’s why. We don’t have devices that attach to our bodies to record such statistics. We only go by the (free) ActivityTracker app. It works just fine, except for one thing.

I don’t always have my phone on me. Mr. NC usually does.

Therefore, he wins the step count most of the time because my phone sits on a non-moving surface.

Perhaps I need to attach my phone to a neighbor dog who takes lots of walks. 

Just kidding—that would be cheating.

At any rate, the good news is that we’ve increased our activity level. And we get to spend more time together.

Last week we discovered a yard with a beautiful vegetable garden, several varieties of fruit trees and grape vines with baby grapes.

We’re obviously not speed walking. If you’re not spending much time enjoying the outdoors, I invite you to begin doing so.

Too warm? Try getting out early or late in the day.

Need a walking partner? Find one who will encourage you to get out even when you may not be in the mood.

Walking with a buddy is a win on many levels. You can solve world problems, keep one another on pace, notice the beauty of Nature from a different perspective–all while you’re improving your health.

If you prefer to run, go for it.

Do what you can and enjoy what you do.

Grapes Are Good

Grapes are a delicious and versatile fruit that also pack a nutritional punch. Bursting with flavor, grapes can be enjoyed as a healthy snack or incorporated into a variety of meals.

Grapes contain vitamins C, K, and various B vitamins. They are also a good source of minerals like potassium and copper. Rich in powerful antioxidants, they help protect the body against oxidative stress and inflammation.

They are a good source of dietary fiber, promoting healthy digestion and supporting weight management. With high water content, grapes contribute to your daily hydration needs. 

Enjoy them on their own, in a fruit salad, paired with goat or your favorite cheeses, added to chicken or any salad, frozen as a summer treat.

Make grape salsa: Combine chopped grapes, red onion, cilantro, lime juice, and a touch of jalapeño for a unique salsa that pairs well with grilled fish or chicken.

Roasting grapes brings out their natural sweetness and adds a caramelized flavor. They can be served as a topping for yogurt, oatmeal, or even roasted meats.

Wishing you a joyous July,
Health Coach Carol

“July is a picnic and a red canoe and a sunburned neck and a softball game and ice tinkling in a tall glass.” – Hal Borland

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