

Crown Point, IN


Delightfully Delicious Rainier Cherries

Delightfully Delicious Rainier Cherries

Rainier cherries, with their vibrant golden hue and succulent sweetness, are truly a delight to behold.

Now is the time to enjoy this unique fruit since the growing season is brief.

The growing season for Rainier cherries typically occurs during the summer months, from late June to early August. July 11th is Rainier Cherry Day. 

Washington state is one of the major producers of Rainier cherries due to its ideal growing conditions. They require a certain number of chill hours during winter to initiate fruit production, followed by warm temperatures during the growing season to ensure proper ripening.

Rainier cherries are a favorite of mine. My father-in-law loved them and I think of him every time I see them in the store.

One of the ways I celebrated Father’s Day was to enjoy some cherries in his honor.

Fun fact: The Rainier cherry is named after Mount Rainier in Washington state, where it was developed in the late 1950s by crossing the Bing and Van cherry varieties.

These cherries are not only good, they’re also good for you.

  • They are a great source of essential vitamins, including vitamin C, which supports the immune system, and vitamin A, which is beneficial for eye health.
  • They contain dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and helps maintain a healthy digestive system.
  • Rainier cherries are low in calories and fat, making them an excellent choice for those watching their weight or seeking a guilt-free snack.
  • They also contain antioxidants, such as anthocyanins, which have been associated with various health benefits, including reducing inflammation and protecting against chronic diseases.

Rainier cherries are known for their exceptional sweetness, which is slightly milder and less tart compared to other cherry varieties.

These cherries are often described as having a flavor reminiscent of honey or nectar, with hints of citrus notes. Their delectable taste makes them a true summer treat.

When selecting Rainier cherries, look for plump, firm fruits with a bright yellow color and no blemishes. They should feel slightly soft when gently squeezed.

Indulge in this seasonal delight and savor the essence of summer.

Fourth of July Celebration: A Time for Cookouts, Family, and Fireworks

One of the highlights of this festive day is gathering with loved ones for a classic American cookout.

Backyards, parks, and beaches come alive with the aroma of sizzling hamburgers, hot dogs, and juicy steaks on the grill.

I’m not sure what Mr. Non-Compliant will be grilling on Tuesday, however I do know that it will be amazing!

Beyond the cookouts, fireworks, and flags, the Fourth of July is a time for reflection and gratitude.

As the sun sets and the fireworks conclude, may your celebration leave lasting memories of joy, togetherness, and patriotism.  

Happy Birthday, America!

Sending love,
Health Coach Carol

“May we think of freedom, not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right.” — Peter Marshall

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