

Crown Point, IN


5 Ways to Stay Committed to Your Goals

5 Ways to Stay Committed to Your Goals

We’re into another year in what seems like a flash.

Even if I didn’t look at a calendar, I’d know this.

How, you ask?


I go to my same classes, at the same time of day, and I typically park very far from the entrance.

No more parking spot. So, I now park even further from the entrance.

Good news is that I get more steps into my day.

Good news is that more people are exercising.

Bad news is that in a few weeks, I’ll get my parking spot back.

It’s a pattern that I’ve witnessed for decades.

The excitement of the new year and goals of getting healthy tend to go by the wayside when real life takes over. It’s easy to fall into familiar patterns that often don’t serve us.

If they did, we wouldn’t have the desire to change them.

Today, I give you 5 ways to stay committed to your health (or any) goals, even when you don’t feel like it, life gets really messy, you lose hope and feel like nothing’s working or you absentmindedly eat an entire bag of cookies/chips/fill in the blank.

  1. WHY do you have the desire to get healthy or lose weight or whatever it is you’d like to do? Now, go deeper, with that WHY. Then, go even deeper. You know you’ve hit the real reason WHY when it almost (or does) make you cry. Getting clear on the REAL rock-bottom reason you’d like to accomplish your goal is key to making it happen. When you get off track for any reason, go back to the big WHY.
  2. Remember to practice one small activity at a time that takes you in the direction of your commitment. When you figure out what that is, put it into your calendar or it won’t happen. If you tell yourself you’re going to walk 10 minutes 3 times a week, schedule those times and keep the dates. You’re important!
  3. When you mess up (because we all do) admit it and begin again immediately. You’re in good company so don’t beat yourself up over it. Do not wait until Monday or after another social gathering or when the birthday cake is gone. Now is the only time we have. Make it count.
  4. Be flexible. If you decide on a plan that isn’t working for you, adjust accordingly. Sometimes we set unrealistic expectations for ourselves. It’s best to set yourself up for success, master one thing, then add another desirable habit.
  5. When you feel stuck, do an activity for 5-10 minutes that gets you back on track toward your big WHY. Even the tiniest action can get the momentum going again.

Need help with your big WHY? Email me and we’ll set up a time (for about 30 minutes) to figure it out together. It’s my New Year’s gift to you! WHOOT WHOOT! 

Oh, and my word for 2023 is…CLARITY. If you haven’t chosen your word for the year, it’s not too late. Go for it! Then practice living it.

May 2023 bring you health, happiness and clarity.

Much love,
Health Coach Carol

“Many people think they lack motivation when what they really lack is clarity.” – James Clear

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