

Crown Point, IN


How Great Can Today Get?

How Great Can Today Get?

A colleague of mine made a post-it note to remind her to ask this important question each day. I like it.

“How great can today get?”

So, what about you? How great can YOUR today get?

It’s easy to allow complacency to set in. Making today great presents us with a challenge of stepping up in some way.

It may even bring about some discomfort, which is a good thing.

There are lots of choices, which makes it fun to think about.   

If you’re a life-long learner, you could find a book to read on a particular topic that interests you, or sign up for a course.

For music lovers, is there an instrument you’ve always wanted to learn to play? Or get reacquainted with an instrument you’ve set aside for a few (or more) years?

Maybe you’re making 2022 the year you focus on improving your health, but aren’t sure how to begin.

I can help with that.

A client told me, “After spending years counting points with my ‘diet’ plan, which didn’t work on a long-term basis, I now understand how to eat in a way that gives me a feeling of abundance, satisfaction, while meeting my health goals.”

That’s a great today.

Perhaps your day would be great if you knew how to make a vegetable tasty enough to enjoy it. 

Or if you felt it was within your control to kick your craving for sugar or caffeine.

A great today may be one that includes reaching out to a friend, feeling grateful for sunshine, getting a quality night’s sleep.

While everyone’s definition of a great day is different, I hope you explore the possibilities.

I’m making a post-it note to remind me.

Sending love,
Health Coach Carol

“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. He is rich who owns the day, and no one owns the day who allows it to be invaded with fret and anxiety.”—Ralph Waldo Emerson

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