

Crown Point, IN


Mr. Corn Comes Home to Indiana

Mr. Corn Comes Home to Indiana

Here in Indiana, it’s corn season. The best and sweetest makes its appearance now through August.

Along with the corn season came my cousin, Mr. Corn (aka Roger) from Florida. He and his wife had tickets to a Sox game, however I know he really came back home for some Midwestern corn. Oh, and to visit his darling cousin.

Sweet corn is a favorite food of his. My dad used to say that if the corn wasn’t picked while the water was already boiling, it wasn’t fit to eat.

Mr. Corn would agree. He is a corn expert and I refer to him as “keeper of the corn.” Whenever we eat corn, the cooked ears are kept in a cooler to stay hot, and all ears are distributed by him.   

Since many folks embrace corn as their favorite vegetable, I thought you might enjoy learning a bit more about those irresistible little kernels.

Corn is one of the most popular cereal grains and is primarily composed of carbohydrates. It also has a fair amount of fiber, mostly insoluble—meaning it does not dissolve in water and is left intact and undigested.

Organic corn is a high-antioxidant food (a good thing), and is a source of protein, vitamin C, certain B vitamins, potassium, and magnesium.

Because it is a complex carbohydrate food that is also high in fiber, it supports steady energy levels, and ranks low or medium on the glycemic index scale.

It is naturally gluten free and can be a good substitute for wheat or other gluten-containing foods.

I can hear Mr. Corn now. “See, I always knew it was good for me.” Yes, he and my Mr. Non-Compliant husband stick together.

When corn is genetically modified (GMO), and about 88% of all corn grown in the U.S. is, there are health concerns. Some of these include:

  • Changes in gut environment
  • Increased risk for antibiotic resistance
  • Problems with endocrine and reproductive systems
  • Increased aging symptoms

Here’s the good news. Sweet corn, the kind we usually eat whole, off the cob, is mostly Non-GMO corn.

Field corn, the kind used to make corn oil, high fructose corn syrup, livestock feed, and many chemical ingredients that are added to packaged, processed foods, is usually GMO.

There are a variety of ways to cook corn on the cob. I usually cook the shucked, silk-free ears in a large pot of boiling water for about 10 minutes.

Organic, non-GMO corn can be a part of an otherwise balanced and healthy diet, but the same can’t be said for GMO and processed derivative ingredients.   

As for Mr. Corn, I hope he gets his fill while he’s back home in Indiana. Florida is not famous for its corn crop. And we only eat it when it’s amazing.

Much love to Roger and to you,

“Corn on the cob is a carrier for salt and butter.”—Roger Ash

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