

Crown Point, IN


It’s Turnip Week

It’s Turnip Week

Lots of things change in 30 years. These days, when a woman is pregnant and tracking the weeks, the size of the baby is likened to a piece of produce.

I recently learned this because I have a friend who is pregnant. Each week I get the report of the fruit or vegetable that the baby resembles in size.

This is fascinating to me, and much easier to imagine than a measurement in centimeters.

I’ve decided that each week, I’ll include that piece of produce in my diet. Even if I’m not familiar with what it is or how to cook it. I figured that by doing this, I’ll pretty much work my way through the produce section by the time the baby is born.

Last week was avocado week. Turns out that week 17 is a turnip.

Today I picked up a few turnips at Whole Foods. I can’t tell you the last time I ate turnips, however I remember that my father liked them.   

I’ve decided to roast the turnips with carrots. They have a sharp taste, so roasting them will mellow the flavor, and the sweetness from the carrots will be a nice complement.

Roasted Turnips and Carrots

Take about 2 pounds of turnips and carrots. Peel them and remove the root tips and the rough end where the greens were attached. Dice in uniform pieces. Toss with 2 tablespoons or so of avocado or olive oil and 1 teaspoon of sea salt. Place in a single layer on a baking sheet or stoneware. Bake at 425 degrees F for about 30 minutes, turning once or twice. The vegetables should be somewhat browned and tender when you insert a fork. At the end of roasting, combine a mixture of thyme, oregano, and garlic powder, and sprinkle over the vegetables. Toss and bake another 5 minutes.


If any of you are in a bit of a rut with eating, try working your way through the produce section with me. We’ll have a good time, and my friend’s pregnancy will be quite an adventure for many of us.

Sending you love,

“I love root vegetables: carrots, parsnips, and turnips.” — Julia Child


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