

Crown Point, IN


Success is Showing Up

Success is Showing Up

How many times do you schedule your workouts for the week, and one day, you simply don’t want to show up? (Ok, that was me yesterday.)

Your heart isn’t in it, yet you muster up the courage to do what you’ve committed to do—for you. Because. (I did it, or I couldn’t write this.)

Or, you decide to cut back on the sugary treats, unless of course they are amazing, and you eat the mediocre cookie. The “former” you would have eaten at least 3 in one sitting, and not have even given it a second thought.  

And then there’s the time when you meant to skip the late night snack, and you ate it anyway. You had a piece of fruit instead of another small meal.

Success is showing up. Success is doing just a little bit better than you did in the past. Maybe it doesn’t happen exactly the way you would like, however you’re making strides toward your health and happiness goals.

You are successful! You are showing up powerfully in your life.

I sense that some of you are allowing perfectionism to write a story of failure. Let it go. You and I are not perfect at anything, and we never will be. Sorry if I’m the first one to break this news to you.

Here’s a beautiful success story from one of my client couples. They had a wonderful holiday with family, and kept their eating in check—enjoying their favorite foods in moderation, with no feelings of deprivation. YES!

And then…when their family went home, clear across the country, (taking the grandchild too), they understandably felt sad. Their emotional button switched on, and they fell away from their newer eating habits. They hit the “Pause” button of life. They were miserable on several levels. It happens.

After only FOUR days, they got back into their healthier, happier, habits. Not only did they recover quickly, this rebound has pushed them into the next level of fitness. I see this as massive success. They saw it as failure.

See the difference? It’s all in perspective. I’m very proud of their progress.

In their life before Coach Carol, they would have allowed their emotions to control their eating for far longer than 4 days.

Friends, this attitude shows up in every area of your life. Choose to show up and live powerfully, even when you don’t feel like it, or it’s a bit scary. 

If you’re stuck and don’t know what plan of action to take next, I’m here to help. Email me, and together we’ll figure out how you can rebound to the next level.

To your success,
Coach Carol

“The willingness to show up changes us, It makes us a little braver each time.”― Brené Brown, “Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead”


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