

Crown Point, IN


Savor, Stroll, and Stay Thankful

Savor, Stroll, and Stay Thankful


A time to enjoy the company of loved ones, share stories, and of course, indulge in delicious food.

Here’s a tip to help you savor the day even more: do not be concerned about skipping your favorite treats. Enjoy them all.

Choose a small amount of the foods and drinks you love most, and slowly savor every bite and sip.

Relish the rich flavors and delightful textures as you recall happy memories that make this day special. 

And when the meal is over, consider lacing up your walking shoes for a light stroll.

Walking after a meal, even for as little as 10–15 minutes, aids in digestion and helps muscles use glucose from the bloodstream for energy. This reduces post-meal blood sugar spikes, which can be beneficial for people with diabetes, pre-diabetes, or anyone looking to maintain stable blood sugar levels.

Plus, it’s a wonderful opportunity to connect with family or enjoy a peaceful moment in nature.

Tips for Post-Meal Walking:

  • Timing: Aim to walk within 30 minutes after a meal, when blood sugar levels are rising.
  • Duration: Even 10–15 minutes of walking can make a difference, though 30 minutes is optimal for overall health.
  • Intensity: Keep it light to moderate—enough to elevate your heart rate slightly but still allow you to carry on a conversation.

Incorporating a post-meal walk into your Thanksgiving plans could be a simple, enjoyable way to balance indulgence with well-being.

Are You Interested?

Several years ago, I hosted The Amazing Cookie Bake with Health Coach Carol. Using Zoom, those in attendance enjoyed baking the cookie of their choice in their own kitchen.

It was fun to be part of this very interactive experience. When we were done, all attendees had a batch of cookies baked. 

Email me if this is something you’re interested in. If there’s a good response, I’ll schedule it and let you know the particulars next week.

Thank you for faithfully following my blog this year. I appreciate you!

Wishing you and yours a day of amazing food, happy times, and many blessings.

With much gratitude and love,
Health Coach Carol

“What if today, we were just grateful for everything?”—Charlie Brown

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