

Crown Point, IN


Fall Pantry Purge

Fall Pantry Purge

Although we’ve enjoyed some warm, sunny days this week, I know it’s fall because I need a hard hat to go outside.

Not because of any construction.


Acorns are constantly being pelted down on the roof, deck and patio. It truly is scary, and I fear I would suffer from a concussion if one of them smacked me on the head. 

In spite of the acorn attacks, Mr. Non-Compliant and I took advantage of one of those warm days and washed windows.

We didn’t realize how dirty they were until we cleaned them. What a difference.

I’m thinking it’s probably time to go through the pantry too. I tend to let some things slide during the summer, since the season is short and I’d rather play outside.

Here are some simple tasks you can complete in 10-15 minute increments to declutter and organize your pantry. Customize to best suit your needs.

  1. Expiration Date Check:
    • Set a timer and start with one shelf or section.
    • Check expiration dates of items and toss anything that’s expired.
  2. Consolidate:
    • Combine duplicate items, like two opened bags of the same pasta or cereal. Make sure to store the opened items in airtight containers.
  3. Categorize:
    • Focus on one shelf or section at a time.
    • Group like items together, e.g., grains with grains, baking items with baking items.
  4. Clear the Floor:
    • Often, pantries accumulate items on the floor. Spend a short session just clearing the floor for easy access and cleaning.
  5. Spice Check:
    • Spices lose flavor over time. Smell them; if they have lost their aroma, it might be time to replace.
    • If you come across spices that you don’t use, let them go. Toss or share with a friend who loves to cook. 
  6. Storage Solutions:
    • Invest in clear storage containers. During a short session, transfer one type of food item, like rice or flour, into these containers for better visibility and freshness.
    • Get rid of bulky cereal boxes and store the contents in clear bins or containers. You can cut out the nutritional info and expiration date from the box and place it inside the container if needed.
  7. Rotate Stock:
    • Bring older items to the front, so they get used before newer items. This helps reduce waste.
  8. Donate:
    • Set aside items you haven’t used in a while and consider donating them to a local food bank if they’re unopened and haven’t expired.
  9. Cleaning Spree:
    • Take a short time to wipe down one shelf or section of your pantry. Over a few sessions, your entire pantry will be clean.
  10. Create a “Use First” Area:
    • Designate a section of your pantry for items that should be used up soon, either because they’re about to expire or because they’ve been opened.
  11. Holiday Prep:
    • Fall leads us into the holiday season. Spend some time organizing the ingredients you’ll need for those special holiday recipes. Make a list of the items you need to replace and buy them sooner than later.
  12. Maintenance:
    • Once you’ve decluttered, spend 10-15 minutes a week maintaining. A little bit of time spent regularly will prevent the need for big overhauls in the future.

Happy organizing!

Much love,
Health Coach Carol

“It’s the first day of autumn! A time of hot chocolatey mornings, and toasty marshmallow evenings, and, best of all, leaping into leaves!”—Winnie the Pooh

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