

Crown Point, IN


The Biggest Nutritional Challenge

The Biggest Nutritional Challenge

When it comes to losing weight and improving nutrition, what is the #1 challenge? Go ahead, take a guess.

If your answer is, “I don’t know what I should eat,” you’d be kicked off the game show. In fact, that challenge doesn’t even make the top 10.

The #1 nutritional challenge is (drumroll please): Emotional and stress eating.

If that was your guess, congratulations! Although, if that WAS your guess, is it because that is YOUR struggle?

You are obviously not alone. Who doesn’t have “stuff?”    

Let’s face it. Most folks know that eating a side of grilled vegetables is preferable over a side of fried onion rings. Even Mr. Non-Compliant!

Trouble happens when you are upset about (work, a relationship, the weather, etc.) and go for the entire carton of ice cream. Yep, I’ve been there…

There are lots of situations that lead us down the road of stress eating.

In most instances, what keeps people from hitting their health and weight goals has to do with behavior patterns that keep recurring. When we don’t deal with the behavior, nothing changes—long term, anyway.

It is necessary to determine what’s pushing those emotional and stress eating buttons, if you truly want to experience success.

To my point, “It’s always about more than the food.”

Today, I challenge you: If you’re stuck, what’s going to move you in the right direction?

The bad news is that there are many facets that go into the weight loss equation: meal planning, sweet tooth, eating out, cravings—to name a few.  

The good news is that it’s possible to solve these in a way that won’t make you—or your family–crazy.

If it’s time for you to get past whatever it is that’s preventing you from moving ahead with your health and life goals, let me know. Together, we’ll explore what’s working and what’s not and uncover obstacles that are keeping you from achieving your most optimal state of health and wellness.

Send me an email and we’ll set up a time for your complimentary coaching session.

NOW is the time to feel the excitement of knowing EXACTLY what to do next to create the health you truly desire.

Blessings and love,

“Now is the time to fix the next ten years.”—Jim Rohn

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