

Crown Point, IN


No Excuses

No Excuses

You’ve made your plan to get to the gym. It’s important for many reasons.

Oh, but it’s been a long day and you remember that you need to run to the store and pick up a few items for dinner.

You pick up those items, look at the time, and think to yourself, “I don’t I have time to get to the gym today. By the time I get home, make dinner, eat, do the dishes, I’m done.”

You set your alarm so that you can get up early and get to the gym in the morning. That will work better, or so you think.

Not so much, when you hit snooze three times. Going now will make you late for everything all day. 

You plan to take a walk later. The weather doesn’t cooperate, so you bail on that idea.

Tomorrow is not much better. You have plans and no “free” time.

The weekend rolls around. Who wants to work out on the weekend when weekends are made for fun?

And so it goes.

You have spent how many hours and situations justifying why you simply cannot exercise? You’re tired, cranky, and have the “I haven’t been to the gym in a month” guilt.

Let me say this: You will expend much less energy and thinking by getting your workouts in. You will feel better mentally, physically, emotionally, and you may even have some fun.

A few tips for getting yourself moving and avoiding guilt:

*Stop making excuses. You have the time. It is not your priority, so you don’t do it.

*You’re tired because you have lots going on. Your brain could use a rest and physical movement is a wonderful diversion.

*Showing up at the gym or on the walking trail gives you the gumption to show up powerfully in other areas of your life. You’re overcoming self-sabotage, which is not always easy.

*Do things you enjoy. When you have fun moving, you’ll look forward to your workouts.

*Make it convenient. If you like to exercise at home, that’s great. However, it’s also easy to skip because other tasks pull at you. Be creative and figure out what works.

*The benefits of moving far outweigh the stories you tell yourself in order to avoid doing so.  

*If you have a spouse, consider doing something together: dancing lessons, yoga, walking.

*Be accountable to someone. Having friends at the gym make getting there a whole lot easier and fun.

If figuring out a plan seems like mission impossible, let me know. I love a challenge.

To your health,

“Think of your workouts as important meetings you’ve scheduled with yourself. Bosses don’t cancel.”

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