Enjoy National Prime Rib Day
April 27 is the day that has been designated National Prime Rib Day. This is important for all of you meat lovers out there. I’m not a big steak/prime rib eater, so this one is not usually on my radar.
I draw attention to this because last week I promised to give you some tips on the diet vs. exercise dilemma. If you missed it, the bottom line is that we cannot out train a bad diet.
Here are some tips, based on this knowledge:
- If you are planning to celebrate National Prime Rib Day by enjoying said cut of beef, make sure it is amazing and be fully present to the experience.
- Enjoy the salad and baked potato, or whatever accompanies it because that’s how it’s done.
- Since this day is associated with the anticipation of happiness and joy, do not feel any guilt about celebrating.
- Share the good news about this special day with all your friends, unless they are vegetarians.
- If you overindulge on this meal, remember that sometimes healthy indulgences are necessary in order for us to truly feel alive, when they are done as part of an intentional way of living—code for eating real food, exercising on a regular basis, practicing good sleep habits, being fully present to the experience, etc.
- Plan right now to celebrate Hug a Vegetarian Day, (and hug your vegetarian friends who
aren’t celebrating National Prime Rib Day) which is devoted to celebrating cheerfulness and fun. It happens annually on the fourth Friday in September, which this year is September 28.
- AND plan to participate in Eat Brussels Sprouts Day, celebrated annually on January 31, which also happens to be Hell is Freezing Over Day. (I thought this would be good to know, just in case you have ever said that you would do something when hell freezes over, like eat Brussels sprouts.)
Now perhaps you are wondering who decides on these special days. Any individual or any company can declare any day something special. There is nothing official about them.
These are not the same caliber as the federally observed holidays—the ones you see on your calendars, get the day off work and still get paid.
As for me, I’m going to plan my healthy indulgence for July, which President Ronald Reagan declared as National Ice Cream month. Oh, and no need to mark your calendar—I’ll be sure to remind you!
“The only time to eat diet food is while you’re waiting for the steak to cook.”
―Julia Child