
Crown Point, IN


March’s Healthy Lifestyle Habit

March’s Healthy Lifestyle Habit

Welcome spring and the month of gusty kite-flying days, a green Chicago River (well, brighter green than usual), and celebrating the Irish. The flower bulbs that were planted before winter are peeking through the dirt, and there are more of us taking longer walks with our dogs in early evening. It is also a month, like most months, when family gatherings tempt us to overeat.

March’s healthy lifestyle habit will help you decide when you should indulge in something decadent. The philosophy is very simple. Only eat it if it’s amazing.IMG_0287

For example, let’s say you are visiting Aunt Irene, who makes the most delicious coconut cake you have ever eaten. You know, without a doubt, that if her cake is on the dessert table, you will have to eat it. That is a perfect plan. Have a piece, really enjoy it, and savor the flavors.

My theory is that when we continually deny ourselves from having those “special treats,” we hit the wall and fall prey to an eating binge. We may find ourselves eating a dozen store bought cookies or an entire bag of chips that we don’t really enjoy, are not really even that good, and fill us with “eater’s remorse” for at least a day. Not the best plan.

The moral of the story, to reiterate: if it’s not amazing, why are you eating it? Great question. Think about it. There is no need to feel guilty about completely enjoying Aunt Irene’s coconut cake (or whoever’s whatever) when it is part of your plan. Besides, you don’t want to hurt her feelings. If she offers you more, be gracious and take a piece home for another day. Living a healthy lifestyle must be sustainable, or you won’t stick with it. This is all about the balance.

On the other side of that, if you find yourself eyeing an entire array of potluck items or a giant buffet table covered with desserts, CHOOSE WISELY. If you make a poor selection and it is not amazing, don’t IMG_0055eat it! Keep in mind that many times, food looks better than it tastes. If you are questioned about your way of eating, confidently state that you are practicing the art of not overeating for your good health. You may start a movement within your circle of friends.

To recap our 2016 healthy habits to date (from previous BLOGS if you want more info): 1) Drink your water 2) Eat slowly and stop at 80% full 3) Only eat it if it’s AMAZING!

If you are still getting another habit down, that is OK. Creating healthy habits on your timeline means they will be sustainable.

“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” Virginia Woolf

P.S.  If you are looking for a system to help you stay healthier, lose weight and have more energycontact me today!  We will practice our habits together!

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