

Crown Point, IN


Blueprint for Longevity

Blueprint for Longevity


What longevity IS: healthy aging, quality of life, vitality.

What it’s NOT: living forever, specific age, never aging.

Here’s an interesting nugget. About 20% of longevity is determined by genetics. 

This means that about 80% is due to outside influences such as lifestyle and environmental factors.

Here’s a quick review of some things we can do to help add life to our years. It’s never too soon or too late to make some adjustments.

  • Nutrition. The Mediterranean diet is generally a good way to ensure a balance of nutrients and fiber. It is primarily plant-based, includes whole foods, omits ultra-processed foods and added sugars.
  • Sleep. Quality sleep of 7-9 hours a night is optimal.
  • Moving. Movement is vital, especially consistent resistance training. Countless studies show the benefits of any type of movement that you’re able to manage. If time is an issue, consider exercise snacks. Taking 5-10 minutes several times throughout your day to move is a good thing.
  • Chronic Stress. This leads to chronic disease and affects sleep. Exercise helps relieve stress, as does eating a balanced diet, deep breathing, spending time with friends, family, and in nature.
  • Social Interaction. More social interactions improve mental and physical health, increasing longevity. Social isolation can lead to depression and ill health. Have fun with your friends!
  • Purposeful living. We all need a reason to get out of bed in the morning. Practice Ikigai, pronounced “ee-kee-guy,” a Japanese concept that unites the joy of life with a sense of purpose.

As you can see, each one affects another.

Trying to get them all on track at the same time is like trying to get all the octopus tentacles under a blanket at one time. About the time you think you’ve got them all covered, another tentacle pops out.

It can be frustrating.

Idea: if several of these factors could use some improvement, choose one to focus on for a time. Once you have it down, work on another.

Longevity is about enjoying the life in your years. 

This is why Mr. Non-Compliant occasionally enjoys a donut. He also eats his vegetables and exercises.

One of my blog readers (who is vying for Mr. Non-Compliant’s title) sent me the cartoon. It seemed to fit with this week’s topic.

If you could use some coaching on a step you can take today to help increase your longevity, shoot me an email and we’ll figure out the best plan for you.

Much love,
Health Coach Carol

“It’s paradoxical that the idea of living a long life appeals to everyone, but the idea of getting old doesn’t appeal to anyone.” – Andy Rooney



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