
Crown Point, IN


When the Gifts We Receive are not the Gifts We Desire

When the Gifts We Receive are not the Gifts We Desire


Have you heard the song that goes, “You can’t always get what you want, but you get what you need?”  If not, you have missed out on a classic by The Rolling Stones.  Those specific lyrics apply to so much in life.  Does it not seem that we always want more or different or better?  Yet, by whose standards? 

We are each given a specific set of talents or gifts.  Those gifts are not something we had a special request for, we were just born with them.  For example, there are those who can sing with seemingly no effort…and stay on key to boot!  Others have engineered ways for us to reach the moon and beyond.  Neither of those gifts have I been blessed with, at least if I have, they have not yet been revealed! 

So, what is the point?  I have been blessed with other gifts, gifts that I keep discovering as time passes.  Some were revealed to me at an early age, like my ability to create delicious concoctions in the kitchen.  Others are a work in progress.  The point is, I find my joy in using the gifts that have been given me.  I find great challenge in cultivating gifts that are not innately mine. 

As I celebrate another year of life, I realize that the best use of the time I have left here on earth is to polish those gifts I have been given.  I am to use those gifts to bring light to the darkness that envelops others.  I am called to help others shine in the light of their gifts.  The challenge is for you to do the same.  After all, we can still sing along…  

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”  1 Peter 4:10 NIV 































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